What is Your Phrase?
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What is Your Phrase?
"I fall into a pit of darkness, wondering why I should get up"
Life proved to be utterly worthless to you, and you have yet to find a real reason to why we are all here. There is no bright future for neither you or the rest of mankind according to you. Sugarcoating is not your thing and you prefer the unmasked truth, even if it is horrible. That is what you are expecting anyway, being the true cynic that you are. When you meet people you try to find flaws and reasons to stay away from them, to justify your lonlieness. But it's not like you believe in friendships anyway, since human relations are always temporary.
"I fall into a pit of darkness, wondering why I should get up"
Life proved to be utterly worthless to you, and you have yet to find a real reason to why we are all here. There is no bright future for neither you or the rest of mankind according to you. Sugarcoating is not your thing and you prefer the unmasked truth, even if it is horrible. That is what you are expecting anyway, being the true cynic that you are. When you meet people you try to find flaws and reasons to stay away from them, to justify your lonlieness. But it's not like you believe in friendships anyway, since human relations are always temporary.
Akiro- Orange Style
- Numarul mesajelor : 313
Varsta : 32
Localizare : Heaven
Data de inscriere : 26/04/2008
Foaie de personaj
Name: Akiro
Kana Coin: 200
Re: What is Your Phrase?
"Close your eyes and let your memories embrace you"
In your past, (whether it be as a child, a certain relationship with someone or just a specific timeperiod) you found happiness. Now, however, you have lost it, and wish desperatly to go back and relive it all. Because you focus too much on what has already happened, you have a problem with the future and don't really wish to go there. You have mourned this loss for quite some time now, and are too used to it to let the familarity go. This situation is making you frustrated, because you can't do anything about it, but you remain unwilling to release your memories.
toast.brat- Pink Style
- Numarul mesajelor : 177
Varsta : 30
Data de inscriere : 21/04/2008
Foaie de personaj
Name: Ely.
Kana Coin: 500
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